Thursday, June 3, 2010

On Worry

Back in the day when this blog wasn't this blog and I was doing a lot more bitching than anything else, I used to quote the Hagakure a lot more than I do now, because it is a source of comfort.  I've realized that it is still so, now, even though I don't need comfort as much as I did then.  So I suppose I'll take that back up again (reading the Hagakure, not the bitching).  For even if all is well, we can all use some words to hold on to, and to ponder.  So here is one of my old favorites from the Hagakure.
"Among the maxims on Lord Naoshige's wall there was this one: ''Matters of great concern should be treated lightly.''  Master Ittei commented, ''Matters of small concern should be treated seriously.''  Among one's affairs there should not be more than two or three matters of what one could call great concern.  If these are deliberated upon in ordinary times, they can be understood.  Thinking about things previously and then handling them lightly when the time comes is what this is all about.  To face an event and solve it lightly is difficult if you are not resolved beforehand, and there will always be uncertainty in hitting your mark.  However, if the foundation is laid previously, you can think of the saying, "Matters of great concern should be treated lightly,'' as your own basis for action.

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