Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Things they go, in cycles, you know

Tonight I had a bit of a laugh. I logged into linkedin.com, the "social" website for professionals looking to just maintain job connections and whatnot. It's now announcing "people you might know", just as I remember facebook used to. Who was the first person on the list? None other than the original female half of Kiss'n'Blog, back before she left (in 2006, maybe?). T, the male side, and A, the female side of that blog, were very kind to me back then, when I was in the turmoil of a difficult breakup. I used to frequent their blog all the time. Then she moved on, and he morphed it into his own vision, and we all kind of drifted into something new. It's little things like this that make me realize that it's time to move on again, from where I am. Becoming nostalgic is not a good thing.