Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Return to your porch rocker and resume whittling

I graduated from high school in 1984, and I remember thinking what dinosaurs the alumni from 1964 must be.  So now here I am, older than they were, when I thought that.  Woah.

So is it just me, or do only the people that we really don't want to keep in touch with post their vitals on the alumni web pages?  All the people I am really interested in are missing, but yup, right there are the people who never moved away from Colorado Springs (where I grew up), posting the pointers to their web pages and blogs.  I would note that my own info is also missing on that alumni page... but at least I'm google-able. Googlable?  Googleable?

On an entirely different but very related note (tease those apart, I dare you), how is it that I can remember the phone number of my parent's house that I grew up in (598-2384), but I don't know my own mother's phone number today?  Cell phones are a bit of a curse, I would posit.  I'm sure that the answer involves a variety of jokes about alzheimers and old age. 


  1. Google-worthy.

    Yeah, I can remember phone numbers and street addresses from when I was a kid, but I now have to look up zip codes in my contact list.

  2. Second cousin by marriage = entirely different but very related.

    Nice to see you hereabouts, Bella.

  3. I can't believe that you're older than me! I thought you were about 15 years younger! So there, I've just given you 15 free years, enjoy the gift!

    I found the same thing about alumni, so I stopped posting my info! 455-5250. But I do know my Mom's number. Of course it's been the same for 20 years.
