Thursday, July 14, 2011

Facebook Sucks

I don't use it very much anymore, mostly because of concerns about privacy issues.  And now it's gotten worse: the "chat" feature seems to automatically log you in, and there's no way to disable that.  You have to explicitly take yourself offline.

That being said, social networking is useful.  I don't want to dump the networking aspect, just the facebook aspect.  Does anyone have a google+ invite that they can send me?


  1. I've got one for you, what's the email to send it to?

  2. Um, email it to me

  3. Ooooh, if you get an extra offer, I'll take one. I'm anxiously awaiting!

  4. Google+ has even more privacy concerns - in Facebook it's all there in clear language, google hides it in nooks and crannies. It will be interesting to see how they both evolve!

    I think our notions of privacy have come from the 100 years or so that we've migrated out of villages. I've decided to take my mentality back to village life and to accept that everyone knows everything about me.
