Thursday, April 8, 2010

What's Not Up (or what is)

Spring is here, finally and certainly.  We awake to songbirds through open windows and fall asleep to frogs chorusing in the creek bed of the forest just behind the back yard; the radishes are bulbing out and will be ready for salad in just a few days, the spinach and arugula throw out more leaves every day, and the afternoon sun beams lean long and warm.

Finn has taken to catching moles, about one a day.  He doesn't really know what to do with them: they're obviously not food, to his mind, since they look and taste nothing like kibble, but in his attempts to figure them out he inevitably kills them.  I feel a bit sorry for them, but then it's his nature to hunt.  Death is a part of the rebirth of spring, after all.

Tomorrow I plant my red cabbage starts (fish tacos!), and prepare for my saturday of administering band-aids, moleskin, and aspirin to the participants of the MS Walk here in town as one of the medical volunteers.

Overall, a boring update.  Because life is good for me right now, and boring -- such as it is -- after years of strife and uncertainty -- is just fine.


  1. I could use a bit of Finn in my backyard - the moles are running wild.

    I will be eating fish tacos on the beach in 30 days. 30 days, Martian, and you've got me thinking about them right now.

  2. Ah, Daisy! Many apologies. But fish tacos are so easy to make... okay, to make you feel better (or madder), I'll document a fish taco from start to finish, soon. I even make homemade tortillas!
