Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Nightshades

My tomatoes have begun to develop something that is either early blight, or else a magnesium deficiency.  It's too early to tell, but I've dosed them with dolomite lime and an epsom salt dilution, and I'm always regular about watering, so the next week or so should tell.  Here's the evidence:

Note the yellow tinges between the leaf veins.  Here's to hoping that it's not blight! I have a bit more evidence to support that it isn't, namely the upper leaf-curl:

That is definitely not a sign of blight, but it does speak to either another disease or to nutrient deficiencies.  Whoever said that tomatoes are the easiest garden plant to grow was an idiot.

In other news, I dumped one of the 30-gallon potato pots today.  It had been ravaged by deer and was not doing well, so I put it out of its misery.  Here are before, during, and after shots:

Before, with tarp at the ready to catch the dirt

Right after dumping the pot -- you can see some potatoes peeking out

The tiny harvest

These were german butterballs again.  The harvest was far below what I expect out of a 30-gallon pot: only about 3-4 lbs of potatoes.  Normally there should be more like 10.  But the deer really cut this pot's season short -- the other pots have at least another month, maybe two, of good tuber growing.

Finn is still gone.  My neighbor tonight said that he saw a coyote in his yard early one  morning recently.  Things are not looking good for the little man.  Laura is making "lost cat" flyers to put in our neighbors' mailboxes.  But it's been a week now, and I'm starting to think that the little dude is really gone.