Friday, May 4, 2012


 So, I finally deactivated my facebook account. Sorry, Heather, I know it was one of the few ways that we kept in touch.

I really don't know what it was that finally drove me to do it.  There is just something so superficial and artificial about it.  Which is not to say that online stuff is universally bad--tonight I had a long online gchat with Laura, and it was awesome. 

But I don't like to be calm, and I don't like to accept things the way they are.  I will always struggle against the way things are, it seems.


  1. I did the same thing last August and never looked back. I recently discovered you could make your profile a page instead, which means no newsfeed of all the noise, just the ability to share stuff with people and keep in contact with them. It's working for me, a self-proclaimed Facebook hater. Good on you for pulling the plug.

  2. Thanks Katie, I definitely agree. Honestly, I'd rather continue keeping in actual personal touch with the few people that I do, instead of getting/sending random internet memes and superficialities with people that I haven't seen in a decade.

    My new rule is: if I wouldn't make time to have a beer with you, then I don't think I really want to keep in touch.

    Interestingly, I'd make time to have a beer with a lot of relative strangers I know from here, over most of the people that I was FB "friends" with. When I realized that, it was over.

  3. Lol, I still love you anyway, J. ;)

  4. And I you, bella. This last month and more I've been a recluse, but I'll attempt to ping you better in the future, facebook aside.
